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Dora Woods, Co- Founder and Coach found her love for volleyball back in high school. Playing along side Lauren Wheeler (Co-Founder) they created a chemistry on and off the court. Coach Dora began coaching with Coach Lauren. Dora has been coaching 4 years and enjoys every second of it. She currently is the JV coach at UPA high. She enjoys the game, learning more, playing and being able to coach year round. 

Lauren Wheeler, Co-Founder and Coach. Lauren found her love for the sport in elementary school. There is where she learned to compete and have a team spirit. Lauren has been coaching for 5 years, Varsity high school, JV high school and different age groups with AAU. Lauren currently coaches Varsity at UPA high. The sport is a huge passion of hers and she enjoys being able to mentor,  lead and train girls year round. 

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